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Zum Vortrag

Hanno Fecke

Normally you have less chance to impress a person the second time, thus why not make use of an effective UI/UX to capture visitors’ attention right from their first visits to your site? One way to achieve that is through a better navigation system.

Let’s say the Mega menu is all too old-news and boring, then turning to the new Off-canvas navigation would never go wrong. The small square button up top is not too much of a distraction, yet manages to make sure your users never get lost and be able to navigate at ease to their desired content within a few clicks.

Compelling design comes as another tip for a better UI/UX. Make sure you opt for the right color scheme that goes along with your logo, products/services or targeted visitors. In case your hot deal promotion or other important messages need to show up in the forefront, let’s go with a huge and noticable slideshow centerpiece. It would hit users right in the eyes on their first loading. That is why we make JA Biz vary in colors and employ the sildeshow module to earn the eye-catching effect.

Going responsive also helps to boost your UI/UX as the look and feel of your site is totally preserved on different screen sizes from wide to collapsed ones. RTL language layouts compatibility should likewise be considered to achieve a better usability for users from Arab, Syria or any other RTL language country. Thanks to the robust T3 Framework with Bootstrap 3 at core, JA Biz is fully responsive and supports RTL language layouts to maintain its flawless display no matter what devices or languages being used.

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"Entscheidend ist nicht die Aufstellung, entscheidend ist die Einstellung." (Erfolgreicher Fußballtrainer)
